Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bloopers from our Vacation Pics

intestines? ewww!
someone tried to sneak away to go #2; we caught him in the act!
pretty obvious, son!
a chilly wind/ you can see Nix's hair is standing on end.
if only you could hear his expression- "wooooah!"
"nightmare on elm street"
this is what happens when you are on day 3 of NO naps.
poor kid.
poor parents!
digging out Nix's boogies before a family photo shoot
(look how determined I am... and quite precise if you ask me!)
my husbands muscles :)

one other BLOOPER: let me set the scene- we were in our rental car at the Canadian border. totally stand-still. 30min wait. we were 3 cars away from entering Canada. at this point, Yoichi's foot was on the brake (no, really!)... Nix started throwing these little (toy)snakes up at us, the rest is a blur... a snake landed on Yoichi's shoulder, we both turned around to stop him, nix was thoroughly amused...and before we knew it our fender was hitting a 2009 (brand-spankin new) black convertible porsche! "Welcome to CANADA, Wakayama's!!!" Thank you Lord that I WAS NOT DRIVING!!! You know I would've been sent home on the next plane home if I HIT THE PORSCHE!!! oy vey, bloopers gallore!
ok... that's it!
We had a wonderful vacation! I loved spending everyday with my boys. It was so awesome to explore the Pacific Northwest; green trees, water and mountains everywhere, cherry blossoms and tulips blooming everywhere! :)
I would love to live there someday!
retirement? :)


amber dawn said...

Looks like you guys had such a blast! I can't wait to hear more about your trip! :) Okay...but you can't MOVE there! Only visiting... ;) Miss you friend!

NixonsMamma said...

Yoichi requested that I add-- There was NO damage to the porsche, and most likely no change in our insurance premium. :) 99.5% of the fault lies on "Snake Boy." Yes, if you overhear us calling Nix Snake Boy... you know why! :)

Kristy said...

3 days no naps...oh wow! glad to hear there was little damage to the porshe...that would be coming out of Nixon's allowance!

Me & My Boys said...

Haha! Love these!!!! :) And I still can not believe the story about the porsche! The other 0.5% of fault lies with Aunty Kim for giving him the snakes :p he,he!

Yay for such an awesome, fun filled, memorable family vacation! :) I have to agree with Amber though, no moving allowed! ;) xoxo

Sharon Smith said...

Love your blooper photos! What a fun trip. Yes, I would move and would have moved up there a long time ago and now if my husband was on board with the idea. Now, we just need to go visit and maybe my husband would be convinced to move! ha ha. Still hoping. Looked like great fun!