Sunday, May 25, 2008

Look who we bumped into! :)

Nixon's Siamese-Twin! :)
Ok, so it wasn't on-accident that we bumped into the Owen's shopping, but it was a surprise to see these little boys wearing the same exact outfit!
aren't they so cute!?
(Jackie Chan and Ricky Martin, at it again!)
*little girls NEVER are caught wearing the same outfit, b/c little girls have soooooo much more to choose from when shopping! if you have a little boy you know what i mean! :)


Me & My Boys said...

Oh my goodness, look at those boys! :) Yep..I know what you it bad that part of the reason, I hope to have a girl someday, is so that I can dress her up in ALL the CUTE clothes they have out there! :)

Smarshie said...

their faces are awesome =)

Unknown said...

What is up with their expressions?! So funny :-) It was cute that they both wore the same shirt and it definitely is more fun shopping for girls. I ended up spending most of my money for clothes on Bella that day...but I couldn't help it!

Amy said...

Hey Tira! Sorry it took me so long to comment back to you! I sneak over every once in a while. I love your family pictures! It looks like life is good!