The Technician did an ultrasound last week, and couldn't find it!!!
Scarlett is swimming in cozy safe waters!
Thank you Lord for the continuous miracles!
I'm still reflecting on this crazy-wonderful journey!
One thing is... I'm really glad I journaled this last year. I have looked back to see God's handprints in every moment of this gift He has given us. Sometimes we think we're alone, but I definitely KNOW that Yoichi and I have been taken care of this whole time! Every step of the way!
Thank you SO MUCH for praying and following along!I hope I haven't used up ALL my miracles for this year! :)
Because I could really use a miracle in the delivery room! haaa!
Because I could really use a miracle in the delivery room! haaa!
(*the new trend among some of my prego girlfriends is to go "natural" with no drugs! i know!!?!?! What are they thinking?! With my luck, the epidural won't work and I'll be forced to push her out naturally! Yikes! I'm sensing another prayer request coming up! hee,hee!)
Scarlett's so cute already, just like mamma..
YAY!!!! Our praises for ALL God has done is never ending!!! Can't wait to meet your beautiful miracle, Scarlett!!! Continuing to pray for her safe arrival in Jan!!! We love you already Lolo!!! xoxo
I say do the all natural!! I'm a big fan- although I'm not sure I count. When your baby comes out in less than 2 hours, you don't really have a choice for drugs :)
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