Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bad to the Bone :)

Nix's 1st Time-Out :)

"Face the corner, son!"
(kinda looks like it though, huh?)

This was actually taken at the Pt. Loma library. CJ and Nix are playing around in the cool kid's section. Here's the real context of the pics. :)

Boo! :)
If you're ever wanting a really nice kid-friendly library, try the Pt. Loma one! And call us if your in the area, we'll join you!


Me & My Boys said...

He,he! "Nix's 1st time out" It did totally look like that was what he was doing! :)

Too fun! I love that place, you got some really cute shots! I love them peeking out the window...but why does it look like my son is trying to "eat" the boat!?!? Haha!!! These boys! Love um to pieces!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

They are so cute! They look like they could be brothers :-) We're going to have to make it out to that library some day!

jena said...

so cute Tira...can I come for a playdate?

jena said...

so cute Tira...can I come for a playdate?