Saturday, August 9, 2008

new addiction

oh my gosh, have you had the Trader Joe's Ice Cream Sandwiches? If not, you have to try it. I'm addicted. :) I forgot how gosh-darn-yummy those little treats are! mm! Here's the description on the box- "vanilla ice cream sandwiched between chocolate chip cookies and rolled in mini chocolate chips" mm, mm! couldn't say it better myself! perfect on these hot Summer nights we've been having in SD!


Melissa Koehler said...

Those sound SOOOO good right now!

Amy said...

I didn't know S.D. got hot? =) Was it a whole 80 degrees? =)

Me & My Boys said...

I will definitely second how absolutely delicious these are and you're right so perfect for a summer evening!!! Hmmm! I may just have to pick some up on my trip to Trader Joe's this week :)

Unknown said...

Those are over-rated..ha
The Trader Joes Coffee Ice Cream is the real deal!

Anonymous said...

It has been so hot lately and I heard there's more muggy weather to come. Those sound good but I have to agree with Yo on the TJ's coffee ice cream, it's my favorite! YUM!!

Just a side note, be careful if you buy Trader Joe's French Village yogurt. I found a feather of all things in mine =( I'm sure it was just a fluke.


jena said...

I wish I had a Trader Joe's right around the corner like some people...I have a similar addiction...cookies and cream "skinny cows".