Monday, December 22, 2008

Hustle n' Bustle

This time every year I find myself losing sight of the real reason of this Christmas season; celebrating Christ's birth. God's ultimate gift to us, compels us to give, and to give thanks. Right? Well, if you're anything like me, it ends up being go-go-go, racing around the mall, decorating the house, writing Christmas letters, sending out Christmas cards, breaking the budget, standing in long lines at the Post Office, trying to fit everything in, I always forget to breathe! So, this year I told myself ahead of time-- "Focus!!" Before any of the hustle n' bustle started, I carved out intentional ways for my family and I to celebrate Christ's birth. Cool! Everything was going well, I still did some running around, and before I knew it I was losing sight of Jesus, and instead falling into my old slump of stress and checking people off my gift list...

Then there was Saturday night! Reality Check. The "calm before the storm" or what I would call in this situation the calm "within" the busy storm! :)

Saturday night, the Nguyen's took us to Horizon's Living Nativity Scene. Woah, have you ever experienced a LIVE Nativity story? It was so impressive! The people of that church really went all out- real camels, donkeys, sheep, a real baby as Jesus in the manger, angelic-choirs singing, big loud men in Roman gear... it was amazing! We walked thru each station and felt like we were really in Jerusalem, experiencing Christ, our Savior's birth!

You know what the real blessing was in this evening? Was being with my family and taking time to give thanks for God sending His Son Jesus to be our Savior. It was a breath of fresh (chilly) air! :)

Don't get me wrong, I love the shopping, gifts, making Christmas cookies, looking at Christmas lights, all that stuff is sooooo awesome! I love it! And it's what makes this season so fun and jolly! But I really like celebrating the real reason of this season too! :)


Me & My Boys said...

Awww... I LOVE how you wrote this T! It's funny I was thinking of posting a very similar message on my blog, this Live Nativity and the Nativity scene from Traditions last night really reminding me of the same thing...the TRUE meaning of Christmas! :)

Thanks again for everything that night!!! :) We love you guys!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

It was a great nite except the mediteranean tea that knocked me out for a day!

Nix is a cutie just like his mamma..

Amy said...

Have a wonderful Christmas with your precious family!

Smarshie said...

So fun, Tira! There was a live Nativity scene where I grew up, too, and we went every year. They called it "Bethlehem AD". And you're really did help me focus on what Christmas was all about.

Sharon M. Smith said...

I went to the live nativity inactment at Crystal Catherdral many years ago and remember how overhwelmed I felt. I had also just read a book about how the Wise men must have been Chineese because they were so advanced in their astology that they had been waiting for the star for years and they were ready when it appeared. So, they were saying that it was many years later when the wisemen arrived. All the same, the scene was just such a great reminder of what and who we are celebrating.